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A discussion regarding the future of Palaeos has just started as of this writing (2020-06-07) over on the Facebook page. The gist is that sustainable funding to keep the lights on and advance the site is a necessity best resolved early than late. As such we're trying to find if there's enough audience for that and which avenues to take for that possible support. Much obliged for your consideration.
Palaeos is currently undergoing a major revision (hence many links won't be working yet), but hopefully everything should be fixed and ready soon. As such the site administrators would request people who find these lines to keep quiet about the site until we are ready to announce it publicly. Thank you for your courtesy.
Considering the recent actions of one of us (RFVS), it could be said that the jig is up. We're providing more manageable means for extensive feedback here. For that feedback of the immediate kind, please refer to our Facebook page.
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Page uploaded MAK111006; last modified MAK111013, RFVS111214;
Palaeos logo by Renato Santos (RFVS);
logo tagline by Réka Szabó;
Ancient Greek orthography courtesy of the Perseus Digital Library.
Google search box courtesy of Ask Dave Taylor